Vacation Bible School - June 18 through 23, 2023
Much time and planning went into this year's Vacation Bible School. Christie Elie took the leadership of overall planning and directing this ministry this year. Numerous meetings took place after church service hours to prepare the facility, provisions and general logistics for this important week. Thank the Lord for all the many volunteers who placed their shoulders to the plow.
VBS fliers had been printed and distributed throughout the neighborhood, previous attendees' parents were contacted by phone or email in order to recruit children for this year's event..
In the end more than 30 children were committed to attend this Vacation Bible School.
This year's theme was one of Prirates hunting for Biblical Treasures. The children were divided into two groups and competed in various games, Bible verse memorization , water ballon fights, hunting treasures outside in the yard among numerous other events.
The two teams were the Buccaneers and the Swashbucklers. Each team had team leaders, who coached and guided the children through the various games, craft designs, and all outdoor activities.
The initial kick off for this event was Sunday evening June 18, 2023 when Evangelist Timothy Silcott introduced his two ventriloquist partners Randy & Rawley.
Brother Silcott presented daily Bible stories to the children including, Abraham, Aachen, Solomon, and of course Jesus and what He has done for sinners. The children paid careful attention to the lessons to be learned from these stories.
Kari Weldon brought enthusiastic VBS music tunes which engaged all the children in singing and vivid animation while learning these tunes. Kari also captured the children's attention while narrating the story of John Newton.
Many members helped with the kitchen duties, preparing and serving snacks during the mid morning breaks.
Honorable mention must go to Curtis & Joe Nichols, who filled hundreds of water balloons for the outdoor games.
We are most grateful to the Lord of heaven and earth who blessed this week with good attendance by the children, safety in all activities and eager and good attitudes among the children as they participated all week long.
God answered many of our corporate and individual prayers in making this year's VBS and spiritual success.