It has been designed with one primary purpose and that is to bring glory to my God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. In the navigation bars above and below you will find numerous links to pages which will receive content in the near future. The main content for each of those pages are described in the paragraphs below on this Home Page
Whether therefore ye eat,
or drink, or whatsoever ye do,
do all to the glory of God.
(1Co 10:31)
This section will host bible devotions, Bible studies on various
biblical topics, including the Trinity, the Deity of Jesus Christ, the virgin
birth, the resurrection of the Savior, many topics about creation, prayers and
praise. A detailed series will be posted on the topic of Eschatology (the End
On this page, and pages linked to this page, will be posted various family
events and historical archival pics from the past. One noteworthy page is
the "Adler Family Escape from Latvia" in 1939 prior to the Soviet Russia
conquest of the Baltic Nations.
There is the "Universal
Church," comprised of all born again believers from Pentecost until the
Rapture. Then there are multitudes of Local Churches. I am a member of
Elliot Road Baptist Church, a local
church located in Gilbert, AZ. This page, and the pages linked to it
will detail some parts of my life as a member of this local church.
God said to Abraham "I will
bless them that bless thee, and I will curse them that curse thee." While
God has set Israel aside partially and temporarily, God is not finished with
the Children of Israel. He will fulfill His unconditional promises to
Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and David. And God will fulfill His Promise of
giving them a New Heart in accordance to Jeremiah 31:31-33, and in Ezekiel 36:24-26. This segment
will deal specifically with the Nation of Israel, past, Present and Future.
The Bible says in I John
4:14 "And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to
be the Saviour of the world." Jesus Christ suffered on the cross to pay the
penalty for our sins. He gloriously rose from the dead and ascended back to
heaven to intercede for believers. All those who repent and trust in Him and
what He did on Calvary will have their sin forgiven and will receive the New
Birth. This section will deal with the specific details of the Good News of
Jesus Christ, the Gospel!
This page will show various recreational activities my famly
and I might be engaged in or have engaged in in the past. My personal life time hobbies have been boating,
water and snow skiing, camping, and hiking. Our current residence is wthin
10 miles of some beautiful hiking trails in the Superstition Wilderness and
a number of lakes that are within one hour drive.
If anyone has any
questions or comments on anything on this site you may fill out the form on
the Contact Page and and your comments will be sent to me via email.
About Us.
This page will state the purpose of
the website. It will also state my theological position, and I will give a
Statement of Faith in a somewhat condensed form. I am the sole owner,
designer and administrator of this website.Also, this section will contain
my personal testimony of receiving Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.