Who Is My God?
Well, here is a biblical definition of God. He has revealed Himself to man
through Holy Writ, the Bible.The Bible tells us that God is:
The Eternal, Immortal, Invisible, Unchangeable, Self Existing Spirit BEING!
The source of this definition comes from I Timothy 1:17; Hebrews 13:8, Malachi
3:6; Exodus 3:14; John 8:58, and John 4:24. Now, read this again and again until
you get chills down your back. Think about it: Eternal means He is
He exists "external" to His creation of Space, Time and Matter. God
does not change in His essential essence and attributes. He does not learn
anything new and He does not forget anything. He has life
eternal, He does not die. Since He is Spirit, He is invisible. He is the only
Being in the entire Universe Who has life in Himself. Everything outside of God
has a "derived existence." Everything outside of God has a beginning. God does
not have a beginning. Every creature owes its life to God, Who is the source of
all life and light. SELAH!
God is a higher order of Being than Man.
Therefore Man owes God all adoration,
worship and praise.
God is the Creator of everything. He created everything is six literal days.
Yes, 6 days. He created every animal, plant, every star, all solar systems,
galaxies, ants and elephants. And, He created man in His image. Everything was
created EX NIHILO (Latin for OUT OF NOTHING) My chills are returning!!! What
POWER! What Wisdom!
Come back later and exlore the section on CREATION. In it I will explain
fallacies of the
ridiculous theory of evolution. Supporters of evolution have no answer to where
the POINT of SINGULARITY originated, and they have no answer to where the energy
came from that caused this alleged POINT OF SINGULARITY to suddenly explode and
expand into the far reaches of the UNIVERSE. R.C. Sproul asked the late Carl
Sagen these two questions and Sagen replied "Oh, We don't need to go there."
(LOL indeed)
Sadly there are "Christians" who have caved into this erroreous teaching of
evolution. They hold to a Theistic Evolution, which is neither THEISTIC nor
If you don't believe Genesis 1 and 2, where do you start believing the Bible to
be true? More about this later.
God is not only transcendent but He is also Immanent. That means He is active
inside of His creation. The most obvious example of this is the INCARNATION of
GOD the SON (The Second Person of the Holy Trinity). God the Son took on
humanity about 2023 years ago in Bethlehem, constituted Himself as the
Christ (Messiah), lived on this earth for about 33
years, revealed the Father to man, lived a sinless life, and voluntarily went to the
cross and shed His precious blood to pay for the sins of all mankind.
"And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world." (1John 4:14)
After the resurrection, Jesus Christ ascended back to heaven where He is now
interceding for believers. At a future time, He will come back to catch up His
Bride, the church, and seven years later He will come to set up His 1000 year
millenial reign of righteous rule on earth. SELAH!
Amen! Even so come, Lord Jesus.
That's my GOD!!!