Horst Adler: Life and Personal Testimony
Family Background & Early years.
Hello, my name is Horst Adler. My Latvian mother and German father were married in Riga, Latvia during the middle 1920s. Toward the end of WWII, they journeyed westward towards Germany, and “little Horst” was born during this journey in Posen, Poland (Germany under Hitler) in 1941. The journey was finally completed just before the end of the war, and the Adler family settled in a little village, Dabendorf, just south of Berlin, Germany.
Immigration to the USA
After my father passed away in 1955 (in Berlin), my mother, my sister and I (just
fifteen years old,) “continued” the westward journey all the way across the ocean and ended up in another little village, Applebachsville, about 30 miles north of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – USA.
Applebachsville was really a “relocated village” from Latvia. 85% of the population were Latvian born people, who had, at various times, escaped the threat of war and foreign occupation and sought peaceful refuge in various geographies in the United States of America. Latvian communities had sprung up in many places such as Chicago, Boston, Cleveland, Philadelphia, New York, as well as Applebachsville, PA.
High School – College – Navy – Computer Industry
Having graduated from Quakertown Community High School in 1959, I attended college for two years, and then joined the US Navy (Submarine
Service - USS G.W. Carver SSBN 656), where I spent the next eight years of my life.
After I left the Service, I joined the ever growing computer field, and remained actively employed in the information technology industry for the next 26 years. In 2001, I decided the leave these endeavors and I became an “active retiree.”
Marriage & Family
In the meantime, I married Jeanette Glass (from Charlottesville, VA) in January, 1966 in Newport News, Virginia. Christopher Lee was born 18 months later and Tracy Ray came “on board” (my Navy heritage is revealing itself in my expressions) in October, 1969.
Professional Requirements - Travel
Due to the requirements in the computer field, my family and I relocated often across the US. We lived in many divers places such as Virginia, Maryland, Arizona, California, Colorado, Massachusetts, as well as Connecticut.
Personal Testimony
While Jeanette & I were married in a Baptist Church in Charlottesville, VA, in
1966, I had no personal interest or convictions in regards to anything spiritual. We chose a Baptist church as a convenient place for our wedding because both our parents had had a Baptist heritage.
In 1982 a number of events occurred in my life that caused me to wonder about God and my relationship to Him. Since my mother had been a believing and faithful Christian, I had been exposed to some teaching of the Christian faith. However, even though I had an intellectual knowledge about God, I had no idea what it meant to have a personal relationship with God through His
Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. During the time in Colorado, my wife and I began to
harbor a growing concern about our two sons. We discussed the need to have them
involved in a church for exposure to a more beneficial value system than the one
they were exposed to daily in their school and among their friends. We started
attending a church in the neighborhood, only to sense a high level of resistance to our parental leadership and authority.
My wife worked in a flower shop in the Denver area. There she met a
lady, who had two sons the same age as ours. After a short time, our two
families developed a friendship and on one weekend our two boys were invited to
spend the weekend at their home. Since they were Christians, they took our boys
to their church on Sunday. After Chris, and Tracy came home that Sunday
afternoon, they were full of excitement about this church and about the pastor they had just met. They told us that we MUST come to that church and hear this preacher. Obviously, we were delighted with our sons’ enthusiasm about this church, and all of us visited this church the following week. While we initially began the church search process in order to find a place for the boys, I
had no idea that God had meant this divine appointment not only for Chris and Tracy, but also for my wife and for me.
After just a few Sundays under this pastor’s preaching, I came under strong conviction that I was a sinner, and that I am held accountable for all my transgressions against God’s holy laws. Therefore, I learned that the price for my sins had to be paid and I was hopelessly under God’s condemnation bound for a Christ-less eternity in a place the Bible calls hell.
But, I learned from the Bible, God’s Holy Word, that God loves us so much that His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins, was buried, and that He arose from the dead to prove that He was God’s
Son and that God the Father has fully accepted His substitutionary death on the cross on
my behalf.
Then, I learned that by repenting (radical change of my mind while
turning from my sinful life) and placing simple faith in Him as my Savior and Lord, I could receive the free gift of eternal life that Christ has now offered to all that call on His name.
On December 12, 1982 at about 11:45 AM, at Cherry Creek Baptist
Church in Englewood Colorado, I was greatly convicted and asked the Lord Jesus
Christ to forgive all my sins, past – present – and future, and save me (rescue me) from that awful place called hell. I know that He answered that prayer, took residence in my heart and made me a new creature. Just like the Bible says, - I was born again from above. Something that I could not have accomplished by myself, but that which only God the Holy Spirit could work in my life. I now am absolutely certain that I am a child of God, that He is my Father and that I have a close relationship with Him, through His Son the Lord Jesus Christ.
A New Creation in Christ
Since that very date, 12/12/1982, my life has completely changed. The Lord has given me power to live a changed life. I have a different outlook on life, a different value system, different likes and dislikes. I have different habits, different friends and do different things. I am now a citizen of a different Kingdom and march to a different drummer, One who is not of this world, but One who is above and beyond this world.
By the way, my sons Chris and Tracy, as well as my wife, Jeanette, also received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior within a very short period of time. Little did I know that only a few months ago, when my wife and I started searching for a church for our two sons, that we would find a Savior; One who is the head of the church, and one who can save even the most vilest of sinners.
A New Life in Christ
I know that Jesus had saved me, because I began to exhibit an immediate thirst for the things of God. After I was baptized, I got immediately involved in my local church, went to Sunday School, started to witness of my newly found faith in Jesus Christ, and started praying and reading the Bible daily. Many years later, I enrolled in formal biblical training and obtained a BS in Church Ministries and a MA in Biblical Studies.
Thus, the Lord prepared me for many teaching opportunities in local churches,
and a very fruiful Prison Ministry at one of the many State Prisons in Arizona
for fourteen years.
I have a burden for souls and hope and pray that the Lord will use this web site to draw others to Himself.
My life's verse has been Ezra 7:10
"For Ezra has prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord,
and to do it, and to teach in Israel Statues and Judgments."
Amen & Amen